How Commerce Expands Culture
http://theumlaut.com/2013/05/07/how-commerce-expands-culture/ “Take our friend Beethoven. His stellar musical rise was fueled by the productive powers of capitalism. The commercialization of the printing press allowed the Maestro to sell sheet music directly to middle class families and make a cozy artistic freelance living. Businessmen eager to peddle instruments to a growing middle class improved production and […]
Interesting Use of Kale
Lina, a friend from the Westport Community Gardens, grows kale and other vegetables for the sole purpose of donating it to the local homeless shelter. This is a beautiful, selfless act. Any donation, I’m sure, is appreciated and useful. But donating something that takes time, energy, and love is amasing. Instead of donating a box […]
One love
Beautiful, Heart Warming Veterans Day Story
My dear cousin Bob is a deacon in NY, USA. Here’s a beautiful story Bob shared with me earlier today. Here’s a true story that occurred yesterday: After Mass, the Priest and Deacon usually go to the door of the church and greet those leaving. Yesterday, I was doing that when a family approached. Father, […]