Two Fires – Short Documentary & Artist Profile from Pigeonhole Films on Vimeo.
Photo of beautiful flowers I recently took shots of in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Hope you enjoy 🙂
Preface: It’s my favorite teacher’s last week in town before she moves. I loved her classes, slow, and cerebral. I always leave with an extra tidbit of knowledge (we did a class once where 45min was spent on mountain pose, and it’s significance, try holding that perfectly still for 2 minutes). Today’s tidbit of knowledge […]
Pope Francis’ 2014 Letter to New Cardinals Thanks to our dear friend Bob Campbell for sending us the translation of Pope Francis’ letter to newly appointed Cardinals. One of the great things about having a close friend/family member who is a Deacon is that they constantly share Jesus’ message of love, humility, and compassion. Speaking […]