Natural Insomnia Cure: Beautiful Song for Yoga, Meditation, and Relaxation
This song may serve as a cure to restlessness and insomnia. This beautiful song, Angel’s Prayer, by Ty Burhoe is great for meditation, yoga, relaxation. I enjoy listening to this song during restorative yoga and recommend it to anyone who has problems falling asleep at night. Enjoy 🙂
The Dalai Lama’s Views on Marriage in the West
The Dalai Lama’s Views on Marriage in the West Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce — that’s the statistic that’s frequently pointed to when discussing marriage in the US. However, this is a misleading statistic. For those living above the poverty line, the divorce rate is much lower. For those who are college educated, […]
Mindfulness and Smartphones
Via Big Think: What’s the Latest Development? Researchers at Harvard Business School have found that small mobile devices which close off your posture to the world also close your attention, weakening your ability to engage the world around you. In an experiment, “researchers paid 75 participants to use one of a range of devices–iPod Touch […]
States and what they are famous for
A fun post for today: ALABAMA …………Was the first state to have 9-1-1, started 1968. ALASKA ……….One out of every 64 people has a pilot’s license. ARIZONA…………Is the only state in the continental U.S. that does not follow Daylight Savings Time. ARKANSAS………..Has the only active diamond mine in the U.S.