Kino MacGregor’s Notes from Sharath Jois Lecture
If you’re an aspiring ashtanga yoga practitioner, Kino MacGregor’s website is a great place to learn. Here’s a link to her notes from a recent Sharath Jois lecture in Mysore, India. Sharath is one of the most respected ashtanga yoga gurus alive today. He is the grandson of the great Pattabhi Jois, the Father of […]
The Artist’s Rituals
Daniel Sidell, an art curator, connects art to the spiritual world. Although an artist is free to do and make anything in the studio, she has a responsibility to do something. And that requires tremendous discipline and the willingness to ask the most fundamental questions. Each day she goes into the studio asking: “Who am […]
If the average lifespan was 50 years, would you do anything differently?
Gentle Morning Yoga to Start Your Day Slowly
This is a 22 minute practice for anyone with an injury, a limited amount of time, or a preference to start their day with deep breathing & presence but not intensive asana postures. Take time for yourself. Be kind to your body. Enjoy and let us know what you think 🙂