Everything Changes
Zen teacher Lewis Richmond tells the story of hearing Shunryu Suzuki sum up Buddhism in two words. Suzuki had just finished giving a talk to a group of Zen students when someone in the audience said, “You’ve been talking about Buddhism for nearly an hour, and I haven’t been able to understand a thing you […]
The Journey of the Guitar Solo
Al Jazeera America airs more climate coverage in one day, than other networks have in four months.
On its first day on-air, Al Jazeera America aired almost half as much coverage as some network news programs did during the entire year 2012. Media Matters has the details: Al Jazeera America’s 30 minutes of climate coverage (about 24 minutes not including commercial breaks) represented nearly half of what was seen on all network nightly news programs in […]
Nutritional Yeast
http://www.delightedmomma.com/2013/01/the-benefits-of-nutritional-yeast-10.html Paz and his girlfriend, Danielle, introduced me to a natural cheese and dairy replacement, nutritional yeast. It’s awesome. You can find it at Whole Foods. Here are some of the facts and benefits: So what exactly is nutritional yeast? Nutritional Yeast is deactivated yeast (not to be confused with Brewer’s yeast, which has a […]