Author Archives: blevine32
Andrea had a very special dance with some very close family and friends at her wedding. Her father passed away so her brother recored “butterfly kisses” and she danced with with all of them during her Father and Daughter dance. it was a truly touching moment not a dry eye in the house.
Her dad, Mark, died earlier in the year from pancreatic cancer. Andrea’s first dance is with Mark’s father, followed by her brother Luke, then brother Nick and finally her new father-in-law Scott.
Bride’s Special Dance from LaFrance Films on Vimeo.
Stay Awake
Jesus will often call prayer “vigilance,” “seeing,” or “being awake.” When you are aware and awakened, you will know for yourself all that you need to know. In fact, “stay awake” is the last thing Jesus says to the apostles—three or perhaps four times—before he is taken away to be killed (Matthew 26:38-45). Finally, continuing to find them asleep, he kindly but sadly says, “Sleep now and take your rest,” which might have been his resigned, forgiving statement to the church itself.
It is not that we do not want to be awake, but very few teachers have actually told us how to do that in a very practical way. We call it the teaching of contemplation.
~Richard Rohr
“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”
~Paulo Coelho

Buzzfeed: 27 Surreal Places To Visit Before You Die
Click to check out the list — Travel
Image of Bamboo Groves of Arashiyama in Kyoto, Japan
Visit Norway 360 – Incredible Cameras and Views
Click this link to view some amazing 360 degree views around the beautiful country of Norway — Travel.