11 Nov

75 Benefits of Meditation for an Inspired Life

Meditation 2

Via Amanda Froelich and the Waking Times

How many times have you heard ‘meditation is good for you!’, yet you resist the actual act of sitting in silence because the mind is too great a foe to face? You’re not alone if the word ‘meditation’ strikes more fear than chords of peace, but by changing the way you think about it, perhaps it will become easier to devote at least 5 minutes per day towards contemplative reflection.

Whatever your religion, spiritual beliefs, or hectic schedule looks like, there is always time to nurture yourself a bit; this is exactly what meditation is, and the following benefits prove it!

Instead of dreading the ‘quiet time’, look forward to all the amazing benefits you can receive just by choosing to be good to yourself while letting the busy world fade away…

Psychological Benefits

    1. Builds self-confidence

    2. Increases Serotonin levels

    3. Resolves phobias and fears

    4. Helps control own thoughts

    5. Helps with focus and concentration

    6. Increases creativity

    7. Increased brain wave coherence

    8. Improves learning ability and memory

    9. Increased feelings of vitality and rejuvenation

    10. Increased emotional stability

Click to see the other 65 benefits of meditation

2 comments blevine32
11 Nov

“We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.”

~Friedrich Nietzsche

0 comments blevine32
10 Nov

Humbling Experience in Honduras

Via Bob Campbell and Mustard Seeds

In February of 1995 I visited Honduras which is located in the Caribbean Sea. Leaving the group I walked through the streets of poverty and disease wondering what life would be like if I were to live there. After purchasing something in a store I stood holding my change and having a fragmented conversation with one of the locals who only spoke a little English. After 5 minutes or more the woman behind the counter signalled to me to give back the change from my purchase which I was still holding in my hand. I hesitated for a few moments because I already thought she had not given me enough of the foriegn currency. Finally, I handed her the change and after shuffling around in her money box she handed me back some money–more money than she originally handed me. I believe our experience of surrendering to God has some similarities. We are scared to abandon what we have and give everything to God in case we end up with less than what we started with. Fools we are! God always gives more than what He asks from us.

1 comment blevine32

large U.S. cities ranked by percentage of bicycle commuting

Via John MacArthur at the Oregon Transportation Research and Education Consortium (OTREC) and TreeHugger. 


Large U.S. cities ranked by percentage of bicycle commuting


Victoria Falls

Via Reddit

Daily Destination, Travel

11/10 Destination: Victoria Falls, Zambia

10 Nov

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”

~Lewis B. Smedes

0 comments blevine32


Daily Destination, Travel

11/9 Destination: Ulua Beach, Maui, Hawaii
