2 Nov

“When we don’t know what to do, it is best not to do anything. This is a time for inner work.”

~Tim Miller

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2 Nov

Can Art Teach Patience?

the three musicians

Have you ever noticed how long people look at a painting in a museum or gallery? Surveys have clocked view times anywhere between 10 and 17 seconds. The Louvre estimated that visitors studied the Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, for an astoundingly low average of 15 seconds. Our increasingly online, instantaneous existence accounts for those numbers, obviously. Can we ever again find the patience to look at art as it was meant to be seen? A recent article by Harvard University art history professor Dr. Jennifer Roberts argues not only that art requires patience, but also that it can teach “the power of patience.” Where patience once stood for the helplessness of standing in line at the DMV, patience, in Roberts’ argument, can now stand for empowerment, a “time management” choice that can drive us to look not just at paintings, but at our whole lives.

Via Bob Duggan and Art Blog by Bob 

Image via Moma (Fernand Léger, The Three Musicians)

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2 Nov

“Concentration is fixing the mind in one place.”


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Lake Pehoé, Torres Del Paine, Patagonia

Via Reddit

Daily Destination, Travel

11/1 Destination: Lake Pehoé, Torres Del Paine, Patagonia

1 Nov

11/1 Art: Banksy — “Bronx Zoo”

As a sports fan, I thought it was really cool to hear that Banksy showed up at Yankee Stadium, on October 30th, to make art.

His one month tour of New York featured awesome artwork. Check it out — here.

Banksy Bronx

Banksy Bronx2

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1 Nov

“Look for the good in every situation. There is always something good, or at least something useful to learn, even in difficult or unpleasant situations.”

~ Unknown

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1 Nov

Live Waimea Bay Cam

Waimea Bay

Ryan sent this link to me yesterday — while the sun was coming up in Hawaii. Explore.org is really, really cool.

What an amazing meditation tool.

Enjoy the views — here.

Image via Dan Shabbaton

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How Yoga Transforms Your Body

Via DailyCupofYoga and The Huffington Post


15 Ways Yoga Transforms the Body
