14 Oct

10 secret places for travelers to stash cash


HARD WON AND FILLED with spending potential, your rupees – dollars – Euros – pounds – dinars are an essential part of any trip.

But that overloaded wallet you are carrying – with phone numbers, business cards, and photographs – is a rather insecure basket to store your cash. A few carefully stashed bills can be the insurance policy that gets you that train ticket, that hospital bed stay, that bottle of red wine, or that emergency call home.

Here are ten places you can stash some cash…

Storm flaps on backpack zippers

Most nylon backpacks have a piece of fabric protecting the zipper from rain and dirt, often built in such a way that you can slit it open with a razor, and slide in a few rolled up notes.

Backpack Frames

Modern backpacks have elaborate frames of plastic and metal. Sometimes, you can access the plastic stiffening backboard sheet through a pocket, or by making a slit.

You can hide larger documents and large amounts of money in this area. But if you put too much you might feel it uncomfortably poking your back.

For 8 more places to store cash while travelling the world — click here.

Via Matador Network

Image via Google Commons

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Bear Photos

Check out many more photos on Deadspin — here.


Bear Photos

14 Oct

An Interview with Pinterest’s Co-Founders

pinterest co-foundersPinterest has changed the way people view and use the internet.

Sharp: It starts with people. There’s nothing more inspirational to engineers than working alongside world-class designers, and vice versa.

Silbermann: Design is how a product works: the code that enables an action, the pixels users see, the words we use to describe it.

Check out a short conversation between co-founders Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp — here.

0 comments blevine32
14 Oct

University Launches First Yoga Master’s Program in US

Loyola Marymount Yoga

Via Yoga Dork:

Thinking about yoga school? How about getting your master’s degree? Now you can. Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles is the first in the US to offer an honest to goodness two-year masters degree in yoga studies.

A little pricier than your average 200hr training, $18,000 a year tuition at LMU ($1,000 a unit) will afford you the opportunity to learn how to read Sanskrit and to study the history, philosophy, physiology and anatomy of yoga and how it relates to religion and spirituality. In your second year you may pilgrimage to yoga’s motherland India to “soak in the culture.” 

This is incredible work. The practice of yoga continues to grow.

It’s interesting to note that people did not used to pay their yoga teacher to learn. One developed a consistent practice and listened to their guru.

Still, this program is a continuation of the massive growth of yoga. In 2013, according to surveys, there are over 20 million yoga practitioners. The world will certainly be a better place if the numbers continue to increase. Let’s hope that more of these programs begin to sprout up in years ahead, educating tomorrow’s leaders of our society and raising consciousness across the world.

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14 Oct

Knowing the words is not the same thing as living the meaning.”

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13 Oct

Poetry Corner: What Buddha said to the Monks

Where is this One? How can we find that One?
The Saints say that the One is hidden in the Name.
The Divine Name. The name of Love.
And that by constant repetition,
gradually but INEVITABLY
the Presence that is hidden in the Name reveals itself!
Where? In our own hearts!
The medicine of the Name
hidden in the sugar syrup of music
begins to cure us of our sadness;
begins to cure us of our fascination with STUFF;
to cure us of thinking that happiness will come to us from the outside;
that if we have just one more hit; a better car;
a more beautiful lover, or more beautiful lovers;
a good relationship; a better relationship; ANY! relationship;
it will be enough.
When the Buddha came out of the jungle after His Enlightenment,
he said, “YO! Monks…guess what? Stuff doesn’t make you happy.
The nature of stuff is that it will NEVER be enough!
Or something like that…

Via Krishna Das! 

0 comments blevine32
11 Oct

Jesus and the Meek

Jesus and The Meek

Let’s examine Jesus and the Meek. Jesus’ most pertinent teachings came from the Sermon on the Mount. The particular teaching that fascinates me is the teaching where Jesus says that the meek shall inherit the Earth. Here’s an excerpt from Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth:

Jesus makes a prediction that to this day few people have understood. He says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” In modern versions of the Bible, “meek” is translated as humble. Who are the meek or the humble, and what does it mean they shall inherit the Earth?

The meek are the egoless. They are those who have awakened to their essential true nature as consciousness and recognize that essence in all “others,” all life forms.

Are you being “meek” in your approach to life? Have I been “meek” throughout my life?

When I read this, I think of Einstein’s quote: “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” There is something about people you meet and deal with, who you feel are genuinely humble. They inspire us. Some of us want what they have, because like Jesus says, they have everything.

Jesus and the meek

Even if we have all the material possessions in the world, we can still treat everyone as if they are our brother or sister. If we are mindful, love can shine through no matter the situation, no matter what we might have or not have.

The best teachers, Jesus, Buddha and many more were meek. We are blessed because they shared with us that it possible to live great lives and do so while being egoless.

When we are no better than anyone or anything, and we do not materialize our physical form, then we are egoless.

If we presently listen to this small lesson, we can have what some people may value as nothing, but in reality it is everything. 

0 comments blevine32
11 Oct

The Rasta Man and His Otter in Railay Beach, Thailand

The Pet Otter on Railay Beach, Thailand

Two years ago when we were traveling in Railay Beach, Thailand we met a Rastafarian who had a pet otter. It has to be one of the cooler friendships I have ever seen. During the day the otter would go into the ocean, swim around, and always come back at night. The owner had him trained as if he were a border collie. At night, most people would come congregate in the Rasta bar and everyone who wanted to could pet and hang with his otter.

On a peninsula that features hundreds of exotic bird species and a thriving, accessible community of baby monkeys, this otter was the most fascinating form of wildlife. Anytime the owner wanted to get up and go somewhere, the otter would automatically stop what he was doing and follow him. It was wild.

Railay was an awesome beach destination on our trip to Southeast Asia. It was really, really, really laid back. We spent nearly a week there just reading and enjoying the local people.

Private hotel rooms in the rainy season were no more than $20 US per night. You can find dorm rooms for under $10 US.

The Railay Beach otter chillin’ on my sandals. 

Railay beach Rasta Man and his otter

The Rasta and his Otter

Railay beach Rasta Man and his otter

A view of the Phra Nang Beach (behind Railay, on the same peninsula) from a fish tail boat

Railay beach limestone cliffs

Food stalls on Railay Beach East

Food on Railay beach

Railay Beach is famous for its massive rock formations and world class rock climbing

Rock Climbing on railay beach thailand

One of the massive rock formations just off of Phra Nang Beach 

Rock Climbing on Railay beach

Ever been to Railay Beach, Thailand?  Let us know what your experience was like!

4 comments blevine32
11 Oct

Readymade: The First Tumblr Theme Designed For The Art World


LA County Museum of Art Tumblr

Today (September 25) marks the launch of Readymade, the first Tumblr theme designed specifically for the art world. A partnership between Tumblr, arts PR firm Fitz & Co, and theme shop Pixel Union, the first to adopt the turn-key digital space for the art industry include Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LA-based non-profit ForYourArt,Lehmann Maupin Gallery, MoMA PS1Paul Kasmin Gallery, andPhiladelphia Museum of Art.

Liam Sarsfield, creative director of Pixel Union, describes the theme as “The perfect gallery. A polished, professional space for curation, with limitless organization and more ways to feature content than ever before. Airy, flexible, and refined, Readymade is the ultimate art object for art objects.” Or, as MoMA PS1’s page puts it, “Soarin’ Tumblin’ Freewheelin’.”

Image and Content via Fast Code Design


With 140 million users, Tumblr is an interesting platform that combines social media with the art of blogging. We have been discussing starting a Lucid Practice Tumblr and it seems Readymade may be the perfect theme for us. Any thoughts?


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