Author Archives: blevine32
Ashtanga Yoga is a Road to Self-Discovery
Ashtanga yoga works slowly – the improvement is not visible at early stages. However, gradually, you become strong and build strong muscles. This is all possible by practicing regularly. It is said that flexibility in human body can take up to years or even a lifetime to master it.
Self Discovery:
Yoga is an ongoing process of discovering oneself. There is a very small ratio of people coming to a yoga class happy. After practicing yoga for sometime you begin to experience joy. Ashtanga yoga doesn’t project a fake cosmos of thoughts or overachieving thoughts such as perfection. As human beings we are imperfect, and in Ashtanga yoga you face this truth.
Embrace all the lack of abilities that you’ve felt so far in your yoga class. Remember if you were prefect and proficient at yoga in the beginning of your sessions then there wouldn’t be much room to grow, and without growth what would be the point?
A gardener in South Central LA wants you to grow your own food
A few months back we posted the Ted video of Ron Finley teaching people who live in cities why and how to grow your own food in an urban metropolis.
This week VICE did an interview with Ron:
VICE: Do you think your message would have spread so far if the city hadn’t tried to make you remove your garden?
Ron Finley: No. That’s why I say, “Embrace your haters.” ‘Cause they’re gonna make you famous. It was timing. It wouldn’t have happened if Steve Lopez didn’t do his column in the Los Angeles Times. It wouldn’t have happened if Jesse Dylan at Wondros Media didn’t do a film of me and TED hadn’t found the film. They wrote me this scary-ass email that says, “Ron, we’ve been watching you.” Scared the shit out of me. I thought it was a joke. Thought it was somebody playing around. Come to find out it’s true. And I had never done a PowerPoint. I had never been on stage like that. But I killed it! And I wound up with a big hit.Not anyone can just plant a garden like this.
Anyone can. Anyone. We’re all gardeners. Truly, we are soil. Ashes to ashes. We decompose, and what’s left there? We share 50 percent of our DNA with bananas. Get some healthy soil. Get some seeds. Put some starter plants in there. Water it. Take care of it. And it grows. Plants are just like us. They’re just like children. You give them healthy food and what happens? You get a healthy child. You give them unhealthy food, you put them in an unhealthy environment, what do you get? Unhealthy child. Unhealthy plant. It doesn’t grow. It doesn’t mature. The brain function’s not the same. There’s a disconnect there. These schools should change that, and flip it so that the school is in the garden. Not the garden in the school.Read more about Ron Finely’s gardening strategy — here.
Image via Vice
A good song to practice yoga to this morning.
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Meditate on this, if you will.
Coming soon: World’s first ‘invisible’ tower
A bit old in the news, but I thought this was a really interesting piece of art that is still in the developmental phase.
From CNN:
For architecture buffs numbed by the ongoing global battle to crank out record-breaking tall buildings, here’s something innovative to spark the imagination.
The South Korean government has granted approval to begin construction on the world’s first “invisible” tower.
Designed by U.S.-based GDS Architects, the glass-encased Tower Infinity will top out at 450 meters (1,476 feet) and have the third highest observation deck in the world.
The project is backed by Korea Land & Housing Corporation, a state-owned land and public housing developer.
The invisibility illusion will be achieved with a high-tech LED facade system that uses a series of cameras that will send real-time images onto the building’s reflective surface.
It will be built just outside of Seoul near the Incheon International Airport.
Image via News Participation