1 Oct

10/1 Quote: The greatest step toward a life of simplicity is to learn to let go. ~Steve Maraboli

0 comments blevine32



9/30 Destination: Paris, France

30 Sep

Whil, a 60 second meditation program.

Burnt out from today’s constantly-connected world? Whil encourages us to take 60 seconds out of our busy lives to meditate. It’s amazing what this discipline can do to help relieve stress and improve mental focus. Try it, you’ll like it.

Check out the video — here.

0 comments blevine32
30 Sep

10 Choices You will Regret in 10 Years

Broccolicity brings us ten awesome choices to keep us happy.

I personally like #2 and #9 as guidelines to help myself live a more lucid life.

2. Letting someone else create your dreams for you.

The greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are; the second greatest is being happy with what you find. A big part of this is your decision to stay true to your own goals and dreams. Do you have people who disagree with you? Good. It means you’re standing your ground and walking your own path. Sometimes you’ll do things considered crazy by others, but when you catch yourself excitedly losing track of time, that’s when you’ll know you’re doing the right thing. Read The 4-Hour Workweek.

9. Endlessly waiting until tomorrow.

The trouble is, you always think you have more time than you do. But one day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to work on the things you’ve always wanted to do. And at that point you either will have achieved the goals you set for yourself, or you will have a list of excuses for why you haven’t. Read Randy Pausch’s The Last Lecture.

Check out the rest — here

0 comments blevine32
30 Sep

9/30 Quote: “When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.” – Dalai Lama

0 comments blevine32
29 Sep

9/29 Quote: The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be. ~Shakti Gawain

0 comments blevine32
28 Sep

How to Store Your Superfoods for Freshness


Originally Posted on Mind Body Green

Superfoods are becoming commonplace in kitchens across the world. Now that we all know what they are and why we should eat them, it’s time to learn how to store them properly.

My absolute favorite way to store any kind of superfood, specifically nuts and seeds, is in a glass mason jar in the refrigerator.

It sounds simple, but storing your superfoods this way is so important. Here’s why:

You can see what you have and how much you have left.

Too many opaque containers get pushed to the back of the refrigerator, and you might not even know they’re there. Storing them in a see-through container means you’ll use more of them, more often.

Tip: use a label or masking tape to add the name and expiration date to the lid if there’s a chance you won’t use it or forget what’s in the jar.

Most of these superfoods are easy to pour out of the jar; less scoops and spoons mean less dishes.

This will also help you make quick work out of salad and smoothie prep.

Mason jars are inexpensive and can be found online or at a hardware store.

I’ve found them in packs of 12 for less than a dollar each. Bonus! They also make excellent drinking glasses and flower vases. You can store your green juices and green smoothies in them, too.

Glass jars are reusable and last forever, and they’re good for the environment.

Plus, glass is non-reactive, so you can feel good about storing food in them for long periods of time.

Tip: Mason jar companies now make BPA-free plastic lids that are cheap and are a little easier to open than the traditional metal canning lids. The metal canning lids can also rust after multiple uses, so these new white lids are awesome. I found them at my local hardware store for just a few dollars.

Nuts and seeds contain delicate oils, and those oils can quickly spoil.

Storing them in the refrigerator will extend their shelf life; this will save you money in the long run. Throwing away expired food is sad for everyone.

Tip: If your superfoods came in a package on the shelf that’s perfectly fine. Some companies vacuum seal their packages to store at room temperature to be shelf-stable. Just store it in the refrigerator after you open them.

Here are the six superfoods that are always in my refrigerator:

  • Raw almonds
  • Raw hemp seeds
  • Ground flaxseeds
  • Raw sunflower seeds
  • Raw cacao
  • Chia seeds
0 comments blevine32
28 Sep



We connected with SARDOGS Nepal on twitter and think the work they are doing is awesome.

Here is their mission statement and some work accomplished:

More than 70 % of our Nepalese people live from farming, fishing and day labor jobs. Many are spending their entire lives in remote area villages. When in these communities a person goes missing or a child is lost there is no search operation and no police coming to the poor peoples assistance. In times of natural disaster foreign aid concentrates in the mayor urban areas only and no one comes to the rescue of villagers. Average income of these people is often lesser than an US Dollar per day.  A policeman in Nepal earns just enough money to keep himself and his family afloat whit a salary that does not allow him to travel long distances or do volunteer search and rescue with local people. This is the grave difference with his colleague in a western country. Costs of living in Europe are far higher than in Nepal. In the eyes of a Nepali an European makes more than 100,000 Rupees a month which is about 900 EURO average at today’s exchange rate.

A Nepali Police Constable makes only 98 EURO per month! Who can expect a 24 hours search and rescue party from these poor men? When a child in Europe is lost an entire machinery starts moving and this is a very good organized thing. When a child in Nepal is lost, it is not even mentioned in the local press and considered bad karma.  When foreign mountaineers meet with an avalanche in Nepal, big equipment and big money moves into our country.  No one dead or alive is left behind, no matter the costs. This is a good thing of course.

Nepalese porter or day laborers get lost in the unforgiving nature of our mountains all the time!  It’s Karma again and people just show their resignation. We want to make a difference!  We can do this if we have many small supporters. Every small amount counts. We realize that this does not come forward in a big bulk from a large Donor Organization. These only deal with governments. Private Initiatives in Nepal are always ignored. It’s the simple people with small money that comes to the rescue of our locals so far. How nice would it be to have a Patron who takes care of the running costs of our Academy.  A private Donor Company who is social minded and gives back to the people! 

With the kind help of only a few sponsors so far we are accomplishing the following:

1. Training and keeping standby effective Nepalese Nation wide Disaster Response Units, Urban Search and Rescue Teams, Logistic standby mobile Medical Aid teams like a Medical First Response· Teams, Search & Rescue Dog Teams for missing people in Nepal·; · for individuals gone missing as well as for search & rescue of victims due to natural and man made disasters· inside Nepal and· in it’s neighboring friendly countries, if these request us officially for assistance.

2. Breeding and training of suitable search and rescue dogs of international known valuable pedigree and standards.

3. Establishing standby Mobile Disaster Response Units for times of need.


Much Respect. We hope to visit soon.

0 comments blevine32