28 Sep

First Honest Marijuana PSA

Andrew Sullivan posted this earlier this week. The war on drugs in America is an interesting topic to say the least.



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28 Sep

What is Iyengar Yoga?


DoYouYoga is killin’ it right now. If you do not read it, I highly suggest it. We continue to post and learn a lot from that site.

What is the purpose of Iyengar Yoga?

The purpose of Iyengar Yoga is to increase health. It is strictly alignment-based and instructors focus on getting the pose just right. Iyengar is famous for its use of props, including straps, blankets, bolsters, blocks, and chairs, sometimes several at a time. Because there is so much focus on the quirks and needs of each individual body, the practice is highly therapeutic.

Check out more — here

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28 Sep

9/28 Quote: Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

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9/27 Travel: Lake Baikal, Russia


Minimalist Stacks

Check out more of Donald Judd’s  “Minimalist Stacks” — here.



9/27 Art: Minimalist “Stacks”

27 Sep

Patagonia’s ‘Buy Less’ Plea

patagonia“It’s been almost two years since Patagonia began urging its outdoorsy customers to buy less—to sit out “Cyber Monday” and ask themselves: Do I really need a new fleece jacket or, for that matter, a state-of-the-art, 1,000-fill, dry-clean-only $700 parka and all the carbon burning that comes with it?”

In an interesting article Bloomberg Online writes about Patagonia and their minimalist approach to marketing that is paying back positively for the company.

Check it out — here.

0 comments blevine32
27 Sep

Musk, Branson, “star” in new Khan Academy classes

A big theme of this LP week has been learning. We have pushed our minds to learn more and more about “material.” It’s interesting trying to balance an Eckhart Tolle approach of Presence, and disconnecting our minds from a “physical, material” world, with “turning on” our minds and pushing ourselves to learn more of what we interpret to be knowledge.

Personally, I like to take in flow from around the world and be present about it. Not judge it, but just think about it, and maybe “learn” from it.

One of my favorite platforms I have “learned” on is Khan Academy. I was able to watch lots and lots of videos in Sal Khan’s finance and capital markets section. I felt like I walked away with a lot of material on finance, accounting, and trading. It was a cool experience.

I loved when I saw that Sal is moving away from a model of giving lessons himself, to a model of bringing in “star” people to teach lessons and learn from. I hope this continues. EdX is also in the process of mastering this model. They are scouring college universities to find the “best of the best” lectures on specific topics.

Our world will benefit from this. I like that we are going to have an opportunity on KhanAcademy and other platforms to learn about how people approach their lives, businesses, etc. With business as an example, small insights into the mind of some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurial thinkers can be invaluable to others building businesses today and into the future.

Enjoy the feature. For the third time this week we get to listen to Elon Musk.



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27 Sep

Yoga 101: What does Namaste Mean


This sanskrit word is regarded in different ways by different groups. I’ve heard it described as the normal way to say hello and goodbye to people in India. But in a less casual way, and how we intend for it to be used within yoga culture in the West, is like this, “The highest/most divine/light part of me honors and respects the highest/most divine/light part of you.” It is a gesture of respect to the practice of self-development and realization, including those people who teach us and remind us about our highest selves.

Via Nicki and TheBlackDogBlog

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