6/11 Quote:
“Body is not stiff, mind is stiff.”- Sri K. Pattabhi Jois
RR Meditaton: Forgiveness of Reality
Richard Rohr: We don’t come to God (or truth or love) by insisting on some ideal worldly order or so-called perfection, but in fact we come “to knowledge of salvation by the experience of forgiveness” (Luke 1:77)—forgiveness of reality itself, of others, of ourselves—for being so ordinary, imperfect, and often disappointing. Many also have to […]
Advice For Young Researchers
http://www.andrewoswald.com/docs/Young-faculty-researchers-PhDs-talk-Oswaldapril2013.pdf “If everyone likes your work, you can be certain that you haven’t done anything important.” “Conflict and pain go with the territory.” “The main difference between world-class researchers and sound researchers is not intellect; it is energy, single-mindedness, more energy, and the ability to withstand what will sometimes feel like never-ending disappointment, tiredness and psychological pain. Tenacity […]