Ashtanga Yoga teacher and practitioner Sonya Cottle Hanlon talks about chasing after poses and losing the essence of the practice.
Pick three in the new year
If I could suggest just one thing you could do that would transform how 2014 goes for you, it would be this: Select three colleagues, bosses, investors, employees, co-conspirators or family members that have an influence over how you do your work. Choose people who care about you and what you produce. Identify three books […]
15 powerful insights from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five
Kurt Vonnegut is awesome. He was a true counter culture novelist. Via (inktank) There aren’t many writers who witnessed a 20th century apocalypse at first hand. But of those who have Kurt Vonnegut’s response, Slaughterhouse-Five, is arguably the most memorable. It was published in 1969, twenty-four years after Vonnegut, a 23 year-old American prisoner of war, […]
Urban Monk in Rural Cambodia
Urban Monk in Rural Cambodia For some of us, Yoga is a private communication of who we are and what we are. Meditation is an integral part of this communication. I mostly meditate from home remembering the natural forces of death and destruction. Remembering the force of destruction enables me to note how destruction prevails […]
Angkor Wat and “One Dolla Chia”
Drive Nacho Drive wrote an awesome piece about their experience at Angkor Wat. To say the least, we shared some of the same emotions when arriving at the magical site. The trail wound its way through the trees for a while, and soon we noticed some half-buried hand carved stone work protruding from the jungle floor. […]