Earthing in Thailand
Earthing in Thailand While Brian & I were in Thailand, we did a “10 day challenge” where we did not wear shirts, socks, or shoes/sandals. Barefoot and shirtless and it was liberating! Living barefoot is known as earthing and there are numerous physical and mental health benefits. When it was time to leave Thailand, we […]
We accept the love we think we deserve.
Is Yoga Spiritual? Is Yoga Religious?
Is Yoga Spiritual? Is Yoga Religious? Is yoga spiritual? Is yoga religious? It depends on who’s practicing and who’s teaching. Everyone’s practice is different. One person’s practice might be deeply spiritual or religious while another person’a practice is the opposite. In the West, we’re so quick to put titles and labels on things as if […]
Tim Romano Jiao Tong Lecture on Creativity and Positive Energy in Business
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX9ieD8bzOg&feature=youtu.be Awesome video on positive energy in the business world and at home.