3 Jun

Photo of The Grand Palace in Bangkok, Thailand
Photo by Danielle Lussier on 5/28/2014
“If you practice yoga every day with perseverance, you will be able to face the turmoil of life with steadiness and maturity.” ~BKS Iyengar
Restoring The Atleo River from Mark Wyatt on Vimeo.
“When we are inadequate ourselves but our ego is strong, we tend to blame others.” – Swami Rama, Living with the Himalayan Masters
Dan, this is an incredible photo.
Thanks Bri!! The Grand Palace is an incredibe place 🙂
Hey Danielle, nice picture. Im curious, how are things in Bangkok right now? I wont go by press writings, so interested to hear from someone actually there.
Hey Jason,
Thanks! Good question, I just sent you an email on our experience in Bangkok/Thai islands last week. Talk to you soon 🙂