Imagine California from Ryan Killackey on Vimeo.
“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?” ~Steve Jobs to Jon Scully in 1983 when he convinced Jon to leave Pepsi and join Apple
Time’s Maia Szalavitz wrote an article claiming that self disciplined people are happier. The research, which was published in the Journal of Personality, showed that self-control isn’t just about deprivation, but more about managing conflicting goals. Through a series of tests — including one that assessed 414 middle-aged participants on self-control and asked them about their life […]
Yoga is great for stretching. If you do it enough, you can touch your toes and improve your parallel parking skills by twisting to see behind you. But, it’s also great for stretching and expanding things beyond your muscles—namely your mind. Through concentration and meditation, in particular, the mind becomes stronger and more agile, in […]