Calming Relaxation Music
Calming Relaxation Music Music has a profound impact on our state of being — that’s why we post calming relaxation music for the Lucid Practice Community. Hope you enjoy this piece, Canon and Gigue composed by Johann Pachelbel in 1680. Pachelbel composed over 500 pieces…. this is by far the most well known today. Pachelbel is famous […]
Wingsuit Base Jumping
wingsuit base jumping from Ali on Vimeo.
The End of Powerpoint?
Via Big Think The mega-entrepreneur of the year is probably Jeff Bezos, who founded Amazon and very recently bought the Washington Post. Certainly lots of people are focusing their hopes and fears on what Bezos might do next. Here’s one hopeful sign: Bezos has put PowerPoint out of his business. One reason is that he has a humane man’s aversion […]
Cameron Alborzian: Yoga – Liberation From the Body
I first discovered yoga over 25 years ago. My discovery was like that of many others in the West who find their way into this world, in that it was defined by my pursuit of the physical postures. I was working out in a gym and wanted to distract myself with a new form of […]