All News is Sports News:
http://theumlaut.com/2013/05/13/all-news-is-sports-news/ “So why do they care? It’s all about belonging to a group, as well as simply living vicariously through stories. Just as soap opera audiences love to feel outraged by the scandals of fictional characters, some sports fans love to feel outraged by the scandals of professional athletes. Just as we can take comfort in […]
Birds of a feather (video)
Mountain Pose and Meditation for Beginners
Mountain Pose and Meditation for Beginners Mountain pose is great for meditation for beginngers. Mountain pose, one of my “go+to” meditations, is a standing barefoot yoga pose. It is also known as Tadasana in the Sanskrit language. I love this meditation because it’s great for beginners and advanced meditators. It’s accessible every day. How/Why Mountain Pose works […]
There is no wi-fi in the forest….
Via DreamsWon’tDo