When Good is Excellent.
http://www.dailycupofyoga.com/2013/06/11/when-good-enough-is-excellent/ Contentment. Santosha. Life is beautiful and the best part about it is this current moment. A lot of people who came before us would love to be here now.
First Honest Marijuana PSA
Andrew Sullivan posted this earlier this week. The war on drugs in America is an interesting topic to say the least.
Growing Our Garden
In late April, Brian, Kate, Danielle and I started our garden. We began with zero experience but were eager to learn. Our goal was to grow edible plants, meet interesting people, and learn as much as possible. There have been ups and downs, plants have yielded meals and other plants have died. Along the way, […]
Can Yoga Sharpen Your Brain?
Just 20 minutes of yoga could help your brain function better, according to a small new study. Researchers found that people did better — both speed-wise and accuracy-wise — on brain functioning tests after just 20 minutes of Hatha yoga, compared with aerobic exercise. “It appears that following yoga practice, the participants were better able […]