Notes from St. Francis Discussion:
I had the opportunity to listen in on a discussion about St. Francis.
St. Francis was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He lived in the 12th and 13th centuries.
I listened in on a man talking about him a few weeks back. Here are my notes:
–In order to go out and evangelize – to bring the message to others. We must first have the message in us.
–He suggested we LOVE and LOVE at all times.
–Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than it does to teachers. And if he does listen to teachers it is because they are witnesses.
–If we don’t live out what we are trying to bring to the world- than people don’t and will not pay attention.
–St. Francis was a wordless witness. He didn’t need to use words a lot, he used them sparingly and effectively. It was the way he lived.
–St. Francis said, “love and do not expect others to change.”
–He also said, “Love and do not wish people to be more religious or less religious. Just love.”
–“Love and always be merciful.”
–He believed he was here to bring the message of Love.