Via Imgur Lisa Guy believes walnuts, coconut oil, eggs, green tea, rosemary, oily fish, and berries are 7 of the best foods to help boost your memory. Jump to the article for more info on each selection.
Originally Posted on Half Moon Yoga Generally in the western world we consider a mantra something that we repeat over and over again to empower us, something like ‘I am strong’. But the real power of mantra lays beyond the meaning of the words themselves. A mantra can be repeated either over and over again […]
Rick Rubin is a music producer who has worked with the likes of Johnny Cash, Adele, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kanye West, and The Beastie Boys. After reading Newsweek’s awesome profile, You Listen To This Man Everyday, I think his understanding of what makes great art is spot on. Everywhere I look, businesses, artists, musicians, […]
Heart Warming Events, Baptisms, Weddings, Wakes “Event” is a good word… it’s definition: an occurrence or incident, especially of significance. As a Deacon (capital D) I am involved in significant events in people’s lives: Baptisms, Weddings, Wakes. I’m not classifying Mass as an event – it’s in a separate category, because it involves the larger […]