Mind Blowing Art
Young Korean artist Jee Young Lee recently presented her beautiful, surrealistic and Photoshop-free photography exhibition named “Stage of Mind”. The magic happens in the artist’s small 3,6 x 4,1 x 2,4-meter studio in Seoul. The artist builds these highly dramatic, psychedelic and visually intense scenes herself, ensuring that every teeny tiny detail is hauntingly perfect […]
Two Weeks of Quotes and Questions that will Help you Think Deeply
Over the next two weeks, most of the quotes you will see on Lucid Practice each morning will be from Joshua A Parable for Today. Paz and I recently read this book with friends/members of the Lucid Practice Community. In a previous post, Paz shared our book group’s thoughts and discussion which you can view here: Joshua A […]
What the Prisoner’s Dilemma Taught Me
I’m more actively engaged in learning more now than I ever was in college but there are college intellectual experiences that I often reflect on. Learning about psychologist Robert Alexrod’s 1984 experiment, The Prisoner’s Dilemma is one of those. This experiment taught me about decision making and the role that emotions play. It taught me about […]
“Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection.”
~Lawrence Durrell