Fun for Louis: Epic World Adventure (Video)
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Free air! Buddy Wakefield discusses vipassana meditation
A lot of interesting concepts in this video. If you pull a bent breath through the second hole of a harmonica tuned to the key of Georgia while a train moves by on the tail end of dusk there is a good chance you will finally know what it means to rest.
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound on Nowness.com Filmmaker Harrison Boyce’s dreamlike depiction of his bi-coastal drive from New York to Seattle provides a timely counterpoint to the hectic season of catching planes, trains and automobiles back to wherever counts as ‘home’ in time for Christmas. Soundtracked by NOWNESS regularBoyce‘s brother Hamilton’s band, Song Sparrow Research, the video evokes […]
Khmer New Year Song in Cambodia
This is the main song heard everywhere in Siem Reap Cambodia for the Khmer New Year. All the kids (and grownups too!) love dancing to this! Enjoy 🙂