Northern Armenia

For more on jakethreadgould‘s collection of portrait and street photography taken on his recent trip around Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Iraqi Kurdistan click — Travel.

Daily Destination, Travel

10/9 Destination: Northern Armenia

8 Oct

Are you keeping a bucket list?

travel the world

Our friends at Eye and Pen and ACoupleTravelers remind us that the practice of keeping a bucket list is awesome.

We hope to release our versions of a bucket list soon.

Are you keeping a bucket list? Please share!

0 comments blevine32
25 Sep

The Independent: The 10 Best Cities in the World


1) Melbourne, Australia

2) Vienna, Austria

3) Vancouver, Canada

4) Toronto, Canada

5) Calgary, Canada

6) Adelaide, Australia

7) Sydney, Australia

8) Helsinki, Finland

9) Perth, Australia

10) Auckland, New Zealand

Check out the list and images — here.

0 comments blevine32
23 Sep

8 Ways to Earn a Living While Traveling Abroad

8 Ways to Earn a Living While Traveling Abroad


earn money while traveling


Via Refine the Mind:

People tend to believe that traveling abroad will cost them a fortune, or else deep down they haven’t overcome a fear of entering the unknown. Well, I’m here to tell you that traveling abroad doesn’t have to break the bank. I mean, sure, if you want to live a 5-star lifestyle in a foreign country it will cost a pretty penny, but you shouldn’t want to do that. You should want to live with the people and experience the culture because that’s where the magic happens. 

Jordan at Refine the Mind shows us eight ways to earn a living while traveling abroad:

One Example: WWOOF

This is something I’m probably going to do within the next few years. Through the World Wide Organization of Organic Farms (WWOOF), you can travel to many different countries and work on organic farms. Basically, you work for 4-6 hours per day in exchange for food and housing with a host family. This leaves the majority of your day open for exploring and other activities. With the necessities covered, you only need to pay for travel expenses. I have friends who “WWOOFed” for 6 months in Japan, and some friends of a friend did the same for about 6 months in South America.

Click to see seven more interesting ways to earn a living while traveling abroad.

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