5 Tips To Get You Started On A Simple Ayurvedic Cleanse
We have been exposed to Ayurveda and cleanses a bit through our teacher. This post on MindBodyGreen seems to nail the initial steps of starting a cleanse. We have been exposed to brown-rice salads (leafy greens, brown rice, hummus, oil/vinegar) as being good base meals before coming into and out of a cleanse. According to Ayurveda, […]
“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.” -Eckhart Tolle
Small is Beautiful – A Tiny House Documentary
Small is Beautiful – A Tiny House Film – Pozible from Jeremy Beasley on Vimeo.
The Monk With Sweaty Palms
Kasan, a Zen teacher and monk, was to officiate at a funeral of a famous nobleman. As he stood there waiting for the governor of the province and other lords and ladies to arrive, he noticed that the palms of his hands were sweaty. The next day he called his disciples together and confessed he […]