Mount Kimbie- “Made to Stray”
Super cool visuals to enjoy this song with. Never a bad way to start your day! Hakuna Matata
“Take Five” – Dave Brubeck
Named for the uncommon quintuple time (5/4) it’s written in, “Take Five” is a classic, performed here by Dave Brubeck and his Quartet. Hakuna Matata
Bill Gates and the Start of Microsoft
It may have been the most momentous purchase of a magazine in the history of the Out of Town News stand in Harvard Square. Paul Allen, a college dropout from Seattle, wandered into the cluttered kiosk one snowy day in December 1974 and saw that the new issue of Popular Electronics featured a home computer […]
Calming Relaxation Music
Calming Relaxation Music Music has a profound impact on our state of being — that’s why we post calming relaxation music for the Lucid Practice Community. Hope you enjoy this piece, Canon and Gigue composed by Johann Pachelbel in 1680. Pachelbel composed over 500 pieces…. this is by far the most well known today. Pachelbel is famous […]