The meaning of “Be Authentic.”
Authenticity. Did you know that the word “authentic” literally means to be your own author? Be you. Don’t pretend to be anything else. Via Entheos
7/1 Art: Gustav Klimt
The Tree of Life, Gustav Klimt, 1905
Appreciate the beauty of a soul in a humble person who has no other obvious talent than the humility to stand in awe of the gifts God has given to others.
The Yamas: What is Brahmacharya? What is it to you?
What is Brahmacharya? In recent posts, we’ve discussed many Yamas and Niyamas of Yoga, but what is Brahmacharya? The Yamas are the first limb on yoga’s eight-limbed path. They are ethical disciplines Yogis live their lives by. In the last few weeks we have wrote about the four other Yamas: ahimsa, satya, asteya, and aparigraha. Today […]