The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living is an artwork created in 1991 by Damien Hirst, an English artist and a leading member of the “Young British Artists” (or YBA). It consists of a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde in a vitrine. (Wiki)
Oil Pulling — Everything You Need to Know
What is Ayurvedic Oil Pulling? We first started learning about Ayurveda while on a backpacking trip in Thailand. We think eastern medicine is fascinating. Our personal opinion is that eastern medicine involves much more sacrifice and work. Western medicine usually provides the way for the “easy way out.” In the US it is common for […]
9/21 Art: Shadow Art by Kumi Yamashita
8/7 Destination: Inle Lake, Myanmar
Earthing in Thailand
Earthing in Thailand While Brian & I were in Thailand, we did a “10 day challenge” where we did not wear shirts, socks, or shoes/sandals. Barefoot and shirtless and it was liberating! Living barefoot is known as earthing and there are numerous physical and mental health benefits. When it was time to leave Thailand, we […]