1 Simple Question You Have to Ask Yourself to Attain Self-Realization
In the early 20th century, an enlightened Indian sage named Ramana Maharshi lived at the base of a mountain thought to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva himself. Ramana’s radiance attracted many disciples, including westerners like Sumerset Maugham. When his disciples asked how to attain Self-realization, Ramana directed them to meditate on a single question: […]
David Foster Wallace – Enslavement and Lucid Thoughts
“That feeling of having to obey every impulse and gratify every desire seems to me to be a strange kind of slavery. Nobody talks about it as such, though.” If you’re familiar with his work, you know that David Foster Wallace was exceptionally and almost painfully aware of the finer details of both himself […]
One Love: When One Door Closes…
It’s true what they say about doors. How when one door closes another one opens. And not just one door but many. Except my story isn’t isn’t exactly about doors, it is about people. Actually, it isn’t’ t about people either. It is actually about Love. We humans are like doors. We contract and close, […]
Harvard Yoga Scientists Find Proof of Meditation Benefit
Via Bloomberg: Scientists are getting close to proving what yogis have held to be true for centuries — yoga and meditation can ward off stress and disease. John Denninger, a psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, is leading a five-year study on how the ancient practices affect genes and brain activity in the chronically stressed. His latest work […]