5 Jun

Urdhva Dhanurasana ( Wheel Pose ) Photo at Sunset in Thailand
Danielle practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana ( Wheel Pose ) at sunset in Thailand.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/10/going-to-college-is-worth-it-even-if-you-drop-out/?wprss=rss_ezra-klein “The economic case for college is simple: college graduates make more money. In fact, they make over $500,000 more over the course of their lifetimes, on average.” “Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney, who’ve done some of themost comprehensive work on the returns to college, have estimated the returns on going to college without getting a degree. They’re very […]
Stunning shot 🙂
Thank you!!! 🙂
Dan, I was with all my extended family today and they were asking about the girl doing the wheel on LP. They said it was an incredible photograph. I said that’s my friend Danielle 🙂
Awhh, love it 🙂 It’s easy when the Universe is so beautiful!!
Wow this is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing, this is incredible!