Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound on Nowness.com Filmmaker Harrison Boyce’s dreamlike depiction of his bi-coastal drive from New York to Seattle provides a timely counterpoint to the hectic season of catching planes, trains and automobiles back to wherever counts as ‘home’ in time for Christmas. Soundtracked by NOWNESS regularBoyce‘s brother Hamilton’s band, Song Sparrow Research, the video evokes […]
Mount Fuji Art
http://www.spoon-tamago.com/2013/05/28/yukio-ohyama-has-devoted-his-entire-life-to-photographing-mt-fuji/ “Yukio Ohyama has devoted his entire life to photographing Mt. Fuji.” “Sometimes she smiles at me but other times she won’t even look at me.” Via MarginalRevolution
Amazing Amsterdam Bicycle Video
Amsterdam is widely considered to be one of the very best cities for cyclists in the world. That didn’t happen by accident, and seeing images from a few decades ago when the city was choked with cars really brings the point home. The locals took some very specific steps to get to where they are […]