How Commerce Expands Culture
http://theumlaut.com/2013/05/07/how-commerce-expands-culture/ “Take our friend Beethoven. His stellar musical rise was fueled by the productive powers of capitalism. The commercialization of the printing press allowed the Maestro to sell sheet music directly to middle class families and make a cozy artistic freelance living. Businessmen eager to peddle instruments to a growing middle class improved production and […]
Investing and Yoga
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324798904578529302166205428.html?mod=us_most_pop_newsreel “Everything is impermanent, especially the market’s level,” says Mr. Kessel “He is one of a breed of financial advisers who are taking yoga and meditation out of the ashram and putting them into Excel spreadsheets. The values and teachings of these Eastern-inspired traditions, proponents say, impart a special kind of financial wisdom that, among […]
9/2 Travel: Penang, Malaysia
Reaching the 2nd half of life – Dying before you die
I’m not always one to share my opinion…because I feel I don’t really know anything. I do spend a lot of time thinking about this life. Why not? Today we were talking about the concept of being at peace and “dying before you die.” I tend to think a lot about practicing death. If I were to die today, […]