Where do college football players come from?
For great data on where athletes are coming from, including college football per capita rates, check out FootballStudyHall
For great data on where athletes are coming from, including college football per capita rates, check out FootballStudyHall
Last month, Politico owner Robert Allbritton bought Capital New York, a New York-focused digital-only publication. Jim VandeHei, a Politico founding editor and former reporter at the Washington Post, has been tasked to serve as the new president of Capital New York. Digiday spoke with VandeHei about how Politico plans to replicate its model in New […]
Click to check out an awesome slideshow of asana being performed in Florence and Rome. Via MindBodyGreen
“For example, many normal people tell certain kinds of lies from time to time in order to appear more important, more special, and to enhance their image in the mind of others: who they know, what their achievements, abilities, and possessions are, and whatever else the ego uses to identify with. Some people, however, driven […]