Lucid Practice
A Blog Featuring Enriching Content on Travel, Wellness, Art, and Yoga
HP: 20 Things I Learned From Traveling Around the World
Clayton Cornell and The Huffington Post present an interesting list of 20 things he learned while traveling around the world: Most places are as safe (or safer) than home. I remember confessing to my mother recently that I had a big night out in Budapest and stumbled back to my apartment at dawn. Her reaction […]
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
50 greatest innovations since the wheel
The Atlantic asked a group of historians, scientists, and engineers to rank the 50 greatest innovations since the invention of the wheel. Here they are. 1. The printing press, 1430s The printing press was nominated by 10 of our 12 panelists, five of whom ranked it in their top three. Dyson described its invention as […]
Winners of the Small World micro-photography contest
In Focus has a selection of winning photos from Nikon’s Small World Photomicrography Competition. The picture featured above is a 40x view of the crystallization of tartrazine (dye primarily used as a food coloring), by Frederic Labaune, Education Nationale, Auxonne, France.
That’s when the Yoga happens.
Preface: It’s my favorite teacher’s last week in town before she moves. I loved her classes, slow, and cerebral. I always leave with an extra tidbit of knowledge (we did a class once where 45min was spent on mountain pose, and it’s significance, try holding that perfectly still for 2 minutes). Today’s tidbit of knowledge […]
The Ladder of Success?
Thomas Merton said that the way we have structured our lives, we spend our whole life climbing up the ladder of supposed success, and when we get to the top of the ladder we realize it is leaning against the wrong wall—and there is nothing at the top anyway. To get back to the place […]
“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness.”
~James Thurber
Zen Breakfast
In the go-go world of modern life, a lot of people think breakfast has to be fast — a doughnut on the way out the door with a cup of coffee in the car. But the very word breakfast has a spiritual meaning. To eat breakfast is, literally, to break one’s fast — to resume eating after […]
10/30 Art: Invisible Man
10/30 Destination: HimalayasTravel Pictures
Check out more pictures — here. Via Reddit and Imgur
Brazilian Surfer Carlos Burle May Have Set New Big-Wave Record In Portugal
“Meditation is listening to the Divine within.”
~Edgar Cayce
Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle
Maldives HD
Yoga in the Washington Post
Last week, Eric Niller, wrote an interesting piece about yoga and “Why Yoga is Still Dominated by Women Despite the Medical Benefits to some sexes.” Some excerpts. “What happens is, a guy who doesn’t know about it, he associates it with things like Pilates or aerobics, and they think of it as a chick workout,” […]
“Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.”
10/29 Art: Night Visions
Via Reddit
10/29 Destination: Mumbai, India
Train to Heaven – Swiss Alps HD
“Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you.”
~Ali ibn abi Talib
Use Compost Tea to Supercharge Organic Garden Growth
Compost Tea as a Fertilizer We experimented with our own version of compost tea this summer. It happened organically (haha 😉 ) when a tub of our compost (mostly banana & orange peels) started to form liquid nutrients at the bottom. Upon researching this topic, it turns out that compost tea is a well known […]
Jimmy Valvano’s 1993 ESPY Speech
“Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”
Angkor Wat and “One Dolla Chia”
Drive Nacho Drive wrote an awesome piece about their experience at Angkor Wat. To say the least, we shared some of the same emotions when arriving at the magical site. The trail wound its way through the trees for a while, and soon we noticed some half-buried hand carved stone work protruding from the jungle floor. […]
Can money buy happiness? Wine edition
Felix Salmon, one of the most respected economists in the world wrote a very interesting, funny piece on how wine is one of the few things that can buy happiness (in his opinion). If you study what happens in blind tastings, you get the same result over and over and over again. You can try […]
“Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”
~Swami Sivananda
10/28 Art: Alone and Loving It
Via Reddit
“The past always seems better when you look back on it than it did at the time. And the present never looks as good as it will in the future.” -Peter Benchley
How To Eat Mindfully, A Practice That Will Change Your Life
We have talked a lot in the past about mindful eating. Dr. Joel Kahn does a great job explaining this practice. 4. Sit and chew. I do not know how many meals I eat standing, but sitting at a table, sharing conversation, paying attention to colors, textures and tastes are the way most meals where […]
Gibraltar HD
“At the end of life, our questions are very simple: Did I live fully? Did I love well?” ~Jack Kornfield
Rohr: Jesus and Buddha
In many ways, Jesus and Buddha were talking about a very similar process of human transformation. Pain is the foundational teacher of transformation for both of them, which led to compassion in Buddhist language and love in Christian language (I accept the common definition that our suffering is the degree of resistance we have toward […]
This is why we fly…
Prayer of an Anonymous Solider of the Confereracy:
I asked God for strength, that I might achieve – I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for help that I might do greater things – I was given infirmity, that I might do better things. I asked for riches, that I might be happy – I was given […]
Is there so much love in this world we can afford to discriminate against any kind of love?
“We love because He first loved us.”
Calming Sunday Music
Think classical music isn’t for you? Read our post on 5 ways classical music can change your life. Open mind, open heart. Stay lucid 🙂
10/25 Art: Matchead Tiger
Via Chiquero and David Mach
Want To Be A Morning Person? Take A Few Tips From Campers
NPR blog writes an interesting article about sleep cycles: Too much artificial light at the wrong time can change sleep patterns and make us groggy in the mornings, scientists report Thursday in the journal Current Biology. They found that a week of camping — completely away from all electrical lights and computers — quickly synchronizes […]
Think Like a Martian
What is Satya?
What is Satya? In English, the Sanskrit word Satya is translated to mean “truth.” Satya is one of the Yamas from the Yamas and Niyamas that Patanjali passed down in Yoga Sutras (arguably the most important yogic text). The Yamas and Niyamas are the first two limbs of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. The Yamas and Niyamas can be best simplified […]
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.”
Photograph of actor/model Quinn Tu taken by Danielle Lussier of Lucid Practice
How to just be….
“Instead of hating, I have chosen to forgive and spend all of my positive energy on changing the world.”
~ Camryn Manheim