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New Sharath Video: Proper Vinyasa for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana
New Sharath Video: Proper Vinyasa for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana Sharath Jois, grandson of the late Pattabhi Jois (the Father of Ashtanga Yoga) demonstartes proper form for Uttakatasana & Veerabhadrasana. Hope you can incorporate this into your practice.
4 Natural Alternatives to Reverse the Overmedication Trend
Overmedication in America As a society, we’re severely overmedicated in America. Too often, we are willing to take the easy way out by swallowing a pill. We’re passing this ritual down to our kids. Many of us anesthetize ourselves by plopping in front of the TV or using drugs to “zone out” and escape life. This […]
How to eat: Curry
Via: The Guardian Of course, “curry” is shorthand for a vast, complex food culture, not a dish per se, but given the unique way it is enjoyed and eaten in Britain, it made sense to cover it as one. Choosing a Curry House: No, the supermarket won’t do. And who among non-Asians has ever cooked a satisfying […]
The Power of Now
My favorite thought on the subject is from Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now where he says: “Accept—then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.” What’s stressing […]