Via Reddit and rprakash1782
180 Degrees South
We posted a song from this awesome documentary earlier today, “Here’s to Now.” We enjoyed watching the doc and highly suggest watching it when you get an opportunity. Its streaming on Netflix!
9/4 Art: Hanuman Chalisa
5 Ways Classical Music Can Change Your Life
Sound is energy. Music changes us. We respond to the sound waves and vibrations of music. Music can uplift us and give us positive energy — if we listen to the right kind. “Classical music is boring.” Is that what you’re thinking? Up until two years ago, I would have agreed with you. In this […]
5 Reasons to Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating
5 Reasons to Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating Have you ever felt like the nuts you were eating were rock hard and tough to chew? If so, it’s likely that you’re eating nuts that your digestive system cannot break down. Nuts and seeds have natural defense mechanisms (to fend off predators such as squirrels, […]