“Home to You”
Pope Francis’ Beautiful 2014 Letter to New Cardinals
Pope Francis’ 2014 Letter to New Cardinals Thanks to our dear friend Bob Campbell for sending us the translation of Pope Francis’ letter to newly appointed Cardinals. One of the great things about having a close friend/family member who is a Deacon is that they constantly share Jesus’ message of love, humility, and compassion. Speaking […]
Laruga Glaser “Living With Yoga” Interview
Many yogis are hesitating doing a self practice and finds the mysore style a bit scary, why do you think that is? Releasing control and letting go to the process isn’t always the easiest thing to step into, but can definitely be rewarding. I think for many there is an intimidation factor with being in […]
The Daily Mail’s Meditation Guide
Want to be calmer, healthier and happier? Well, there’s a simple way that costs nothing, and all you have to do is… nothing. Just 20 minutes of meditating – no incense or lotus positions involved – holds the solution to the problems of modern life, according to a new illustrated guide. Here, its author MATTHEW JOHNSTONE […]