Something Old, Something New
http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2013/06/inside_digg_reader/all/#slideid-140768 I thought this piece was great. I use both Google Reader (an RSS or really simple syndication feed) and Instapaper to help navigate my learning.
9/2 Art: Rising Sun by Arakawa Toyozo
Awesome Video of Man Joining in on Music Video
is frugality something cool?
http://theumlaut.com/2013/04/24/conspicuous-frugality/ Dalibor Rohac presents a lot of interesting points about today’s world and being cheap. Quotes that stand out: “If one’s utility depends, say, on his earnings or consumption relative to his peers, then earning more or consuming more imposes a negative externality on other people” “the modern economy enables people to maintain high standards of living […]