9/9 Art: Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga Slideshow
Check out the rest of the slideshow at MBG —- here.
7/30 Quote: Chris Attwood
“Passions are like breadcrumbs leading you onto the path of discovering your destiny.”
Ashoka The Great and Spreading Buddhism
In today’s selection — the first great unifier of large parts of the Indian subcontinent was Ashoka the Great (304-232 BCE), who converted to Buddhism after witnessing the bloody horrors of his own wars, and used the moderating influence of Buddhism to help unify the widely different peoples within in his realm. He sent missionaries […]
When your meditation practice doesn’t seem to be going anywhere…
Via Wildmind Buddhist Meditation: I often hear from people who are worried because their meditation practice doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. I think it’s good to be aware of the different ways that change happens when we meditate since your practice hitting a plateau may not be a problem, but just part of a […]