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The Mindfulness Revolution: How Mindfulness Meditation Is Transforming Our Society
Charles A. Francis does a great job talking about the mindfulness movement that is spreading by the day. We see the practice of mindful meditation transforming our society whether that is in the next few years or the next 100 years. At some point, a major emphasis will be placed by schools, governments, and educational institutions […]
Simplicity brings openness to give and receive from all of life’s members
Ram Dass: Losing Your Mind To Gain Your Soul
Ram Dass is a great addition to any team. I am happy to see that I will be reading more of his work on Mind Body Green. If you have yet to read Be Here Now, I highly suggest reading it. I will post a blog soon on my favorite aspects of his masterful text. Ram Dass, […]
My Time at Lehman Interesting Quotes: “What I discovered, quite starkly, is that the part of Wall Street that I worked in was simply transferring wealth from the less sophisticated investors, often teachers’ pension funds and factory workers’ retirement accounts, to the more sophisticated investors that call themselves proprietary trading desks and hedge funds. Of course, the traders […]
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