The Ends of the Road
http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/06/the-ends-of-the-road/100534/ “Inspired in part by the great geography game GeoGuessr, I spent some time recently in Google Maps, finding the edges of their Street View image coverage. I’ve always been drawn to the end of the road, to the edges of where one might be allowed to travel, whether blocked by geographic features, international borders, or […]
Stephen Hawking’s big ideas… made simple
11/12 Art: Ai Wei Wei’s The Fountainheads
Ai Wei Wei’s bronze representations of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac Currently on display at The Cleveland Museum of Art
Use Compost Tea to Supercharge Organic Garden Growth
Compost Tea as a Fertilizer We experimented with our own version of compost tea this summer. It happened organically (haha 😉 ) when a tub of our compost (mostly banana & orange peels) started to form liquid nutrients at the bottom. Upon researching this topic, it turns out that compost tea is a well known […]