8 Jul

5 Reasons to Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating

5 Reasons to Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating

Have you ever felt like the nuts you were eating were rock hard and tough to chew? If so, it’s likely that you’re eating nuts that your digestive system cannot break down. Nuts and seeds have natural defense mechanisms (to fend off predators such as squirrels, humans, etc.) These defense mechanisms include toxic substances and enzyme inhibitors. These defense mechanisms are present until growing conditions exist. After soaking your nuts and seeds, you create a growing condition and the defense mechanisms are broken down, making the nut a much healthier option. Soaking nuts and seeds is also known as “sprouting.”

Why Soak Nuts and Seeds Before Eating ?

Eating rock hard nuts and seeds is like eating “dead food,” or more accurately, food that is not yet activated or alive. You activate, germinate, and sprout the nut or seed by soaking it.

soak nuts before eating

5 Reasons to Soak Seeds and Nuts Before Eating :

1. You unlock the nutritional power of seeds and nuts by soaking

Not all nuts are created equally. A lot of people eat nuts because, “they have a lot of protein.” But what good is protein if you can’t absorb it? Soaking the nuts unlocks the protein and allows your digestive system to absorb it.

2. Soak nuts and seeds before eating for better taste

Soaked nuts taste better.  They’re softer and moist, giving the nuts more of a “nut+butter” taste.

3. Soak nuts and seeds before eating to eliminate toxins

The enzyme inhibitors and toxins are all but removed after soaking nuts and seeds, reducing potential damage to your digestive tract and internal organs.

4. Soak nuts and seeds before eating to activate beneficial enzymes

Not only does soaking reduce toxins, it also activates beneficial enzymes and vitamins (especially Vitamins A, B, and C.)

5. Soaking nuts and seeds before eating is better for your teeth

Any dentist will agree ~ it is better to bite and chew softer foods. You can turn a rock hard nut or seed into a soft, nutritional powerhouse in a few short hours. The lucid practitioner is always seeking vitality through healthy, cleansing, enlivening foods. You can actually increase the life, power, and vitality of your seeds and nuts by soaking them! What experience do you have in soaking/eating seeds and nuts?

2 comments Paz Romano

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