29 Jul

5 Ways Classical Music Can Change Your Life

Sound is energy. Music changes us. We respond to the sound waves and vibrations of music. Music can uplift us and give us positive energy — if we listen to the right kind.

“Classical music is boring.” Is that what you’re thinking? Up until two years ago, I would have agreed with you.  In this post, I’ll explain how you can escape the “boring” aspect and come to appreciate the music.

But first, here’s a look at the health benefits of classical music:

  • Increased Tranquility and Focus (many surgeons listen to classical music while performing surgery)
  • Positive Energy (London government played classical music in dangerous neighborhoods and robberies decreased 33%, assaults decreased 25%, and vandalism decreased 37%) read more in Malcom Gladwell’s fantastic book: Outliers
  • Increase in vitality and well being (in a 1973 experiment, plants grew towards and intertwined themselves around speakers playing Hayden, Beethoven, Brahms and Schubert. But, in a similar experiment where violent music was played, the plants died)
  • Better Sleep (Hungarian researchers showed listening to 45 minutes of classical music before bedtime helped students from 19 to 28, who had problems falling asleep)
  • Increased Intelligence through improved information processing and memory (studies show heightened IQ scores)

But here’s the best part: Classical music doesn’t have to be boring! If it’s foreign concept to you, start by listening a blend of classical and new age music by 2Cellos.  Connect by recognizing the familiar song and by appreciating the beauty of the art of music. I shared this link with friends and they loved it and can’t stop listening!! After enjoying 2Cellos for a couple weeks, you’ll naturally be expanding to beautiful pieces by Yo-Yo Ma, Bach, Brahams, etc. in no time !!

Stay lucid ~


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