Why a Yoga Practice is “Everything”
Yoga is wonderful. I have taught many different yoga courses and retreats and things like this, and I have seen people come pillar to post. People who have problems – emotional problems, psychological problems, whatever it may be – physical problems as well. People who have gone from therapist to therapist, psychologist to whatever […]
The first jump shot. A story of faith and basketball.
The mystery of faith is a beautiful thing.
6/24 Art: Renoir
Boating On The Seine, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1879-1880
Entheos: Necessities for Comfort & Happiness
“But Joseph Hume was not a man to enjoy the fruits of his industry in idleness. Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” ~ Samuel Smiles from Self-Help I just love this: “Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” For some wacky reason we seem to have this idea that […]