Mindfulness Meditation Infographic
What Each Color Means in Feng Shui
Via Katie Rogers on Mind Boddy Green We’ve all experienced the profound difference a new shade of paint can make in a room. Or how a red dress makes us feel as opposed to a light blue one. This is not to be undervalued! Colors have meaning and express a certain energy, and our subconscious […]
Entheos: Necessities for Comfort & Happiness
“But Joseph Hume was not a man to enjoy the fruits of his industry in idleness. Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” ~ Samuel Smiles from Self-Help I just love this: “Work and occupation had become necessary for his comfort and happiness.” For some wacky reason we seem to have this idea that […]
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”
~ Buddha