7/8 Quote: Love
“Let Love be the Lord of your life.”
Gladwell and his “10,000 hour rule” from the book Outliers has been questioned by David Epstein in his new book The Sports Gene. Epstein says the study that’s the basis for Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule is flawed, the assertion that practice matters is meaningless, and your biological setup determines how much practice you need to put into a task to […]
A simple but clever way to market a new book about a bunch of other books.
Why Leaving a Book Half-Read is So Hard: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323469804578525354146879558.html “It goes against how we’re built,” says Matthew Wilhelm, a clinical psychologist with Kaiser Permanente in Union City, Calif. “There is a tendency for us to perceive objects as ‘finished’ or ‘whole’ even though they may not be. This motivation is very powerful and helps to […]