A Helpful Guide to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Joshua Becker writes an awesome piece on how to stop comparing ourselves to others: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt I’ve struggled with it most of my life. Typically, I blame it on having a twin brother who is five inches taller with much broader shoulders. But if I was being truly honest, more likely, […]
4 Things You Can Do to Save the Bee Population and Why it Matters
How and Why We Should Save the Bee Population Without bees, our society would be completely different. An astounding 71% of the hundred crops that provide nine-tenths of the world’s food are pollinated by bees. Bees enable plants to bear fruits and vegetables. Without bees, some fruits and veggies would not be accessible, and we wouldn’t be able […]
Amazon Art vs. Ebay vs. Etsy
Amazon has just announced that it’s partnered up with over 150 galleries and art dealers across the US to sell you fine art through its new initiative Amazon Art. The site offers over 40,000 original works of fine art, showcasing 4,500 artists. That, perhaps unsurprisingly, makes it the largest online collection of art directly available from galleries […]
Backpacking Across Colombia – A Lucid Practice Travel Guide
Backpacking Across Colombia That’s right. Colombia. I know what you’re thinking, “Hello!? Don’t you think you’re, like, going to get abducted by the drug cartel and… die?” That is, sadly, just about what I said to Brian two months ago when he suggested that we travel across this once-taboo South American country. Had I actually heard […]