“Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection.”
~Lawrence Durrell
What is Sangha?
What is Sangha & Why is a Sangha Important? A reader asked us an important question recently about the Buddhist term, “Sangha.” “Sangha is a Sanskrit word meaning community. But what are the origins of sangha and why is it important in terms of spiritual development? Britannica points to the origins of sangha: The sangha originated in […]
To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
~ Anatole France
50 greatest innovations since the wheel
The Atlantic asked a group of historians, scientists, and engineers to rank the 50 greatest innovations since the invention of the wheel. Here they are. 1. The printing press, 1430s The printing press was nominated by 10 of our 12 panelists, five of whom ranked it in their top three. Dyson described its invention as […]