Mindfulness and Smartphones
Via Big Think: What’s the Latest Development? Researchers at Harvard Business School have found that small mobile devices which close off your posture to the world also close your attention, weakening your ability to engage the world around you. In an experiment, “researchers paid 75 participants to use one of a range of devices–iPod Touch […]
Burning Man 2013 Time-Lapse: Seen Miles Away From A Mountain Top
Thank you, High Existence.
Sharath’s Wisdom
Posting this here as a resource to study Sharath’s wisdom. All credit goes to R. Sharath Jois and Sonima.com. This is an article to simply curate the posts in one place. The Power of Seva This practice of selfless service can be done anywhere, anytime, and its effect can transform not only others’ […]
10/25 Art: Matchead Tiger
Via Chiquero and David Mach