a story for tomorrow. from gnarly bay on Vimeo.
Traveling Chongqing China Backpacking Chongqing China is the experience of a lifetime. Chongqing has a population of twenty nine million people. Think about that for a moment. That’s over 50% more than the population of the metropolitan New York City area. Yet, nine out of ten Americans (including us before Hesh encouraged us to visit) have not heard […]
Image via Fancy
http://youtu.be/iYhCn0jf46U Cheers to Tim Piper for making this short but powerful piece on the manufactured “beauty” that people are programmed to strive for. Young girls see images on billboards and in commercials and they’re programmed into thinking, “Her photo is on a billboard. She’s in a commercial. People must think she’s beautiful, I want to […]