Owl Photo

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11/18 Art: Owl Photo

18 Nov

Pit bull puppy acts as Seeing Eye dog for blind brother

Pit Bull Picture

Via Newsday

Meet Jermaine, the patient pit bull mix who acts as a loving guide for his blind brother Jeffrey. The abandoned 6-month-old duo was discovered roaming the streets of Philadelphia in September. Animal welfare workers soon realized that the pair couldn’t bear to be separated.

“They’re always pretty much touching each other,” Ray Little, director of life saving at Operation Ava, told NBC Philadelphia. “Jeffrey really does try to maintain contact with Jermaine, especially when he’s in an unfamiliar environment,” he added. But it’s amazing how they try to maintain contact with each other,” he ended. Little said interest in the dogs had been “overwhelming” after staff at Chester County SPCA posted the picture of them sleeping online.

Click to watch a video of the two dogs — Love.

Image via Chester County SPCA

0 comments blevine32
18 Nov

Top 5 Places to Relax in Southeast Asia

1.Pai, Thailand

‘Come to Pai and see the…..hmmmmm’. There isn’t much to see and do in Pai but that’s the point. Pai has that special something that will make you stay for much longer than you expected. Located in the hills north west of Chiang Mai, Pai is a hippy town and everywhere you go you will see ‘I love pai’ signs. The centre of the town is full of bars, cafes and tourist shops selling handmade craft, art and all kinds of souvenirs. You can spend all day in the town doing nothing but reading in cafe’s drinking herbal tea and eating home made cakes. If you do want to explore, the hot springs, the memorial bridge and the Pai Canyon are all short motorbike journeys away. Pai also has some of the best street food in the whole of Thailand. We love Pai!

Click to see the four additional relaxing places to visit in Southeast Asia via Travel Shutter

Images via Travel Shutter

Pai was also one of our favorite places to visit in Thailand. The simplicity was amasing. Great hostel rooms cost us $2 USD. Food was cheap. Beer was cheap. Many waterfalls. Lots of elephants. I look forward to posting pictures and memories of that beautiful city.

0 comments blevine32
18 Nov

The Little Fish (A Parable)

“Excuse me,” said an ocean fish, “You are older than I so can you tell me where to find this thing they call the Ocean?”

“The Ocean,” said the older fish, “is the thing you are in now,”

“Oh, this? But this is water. What I’m seeking is the Ocean,” said the disappointed fish as he swam away to search elsewhere.

He came to the Master in sannyasi robes. And he spoke sannyasi language: “For years I have been seeking God. I have sought Him everywhere that he is said to be;

On mountain peaks, the vastness of the desert, and the silence of the cloister and the dwellings of the poor.”

“Have you found him?” the Master asked. “No. I have not. Have you?”

What could the Master say? The evening sun was sending shafts of golden light into the room. Hundreds of sparrows were twittering on a banyan tree. In the distance one could hear the sound of highway traffic. A mosquito droned a warning that it was going to strike… And yet this man could sit there and say he had not found Him.

After a white he left, disappointed, to search elsewhere.

Stop searching, little fish. There isn’t anything to look for. All you have to do is look.

Via Anthony DeMello’s The Song of The Bird

0 comments blevine32
18 Nov

15 Meditation Books For Beginners Recommended By Buddhist Teachers


Via Huffington Post 

Meditation is everywhere. From the baby room to the board room, everyone recommends meditation to help focus, calm, and restore the mind, body and spirit.

But how does one meditate? What resources are out there to help beginners to start a sustainable meditation practice?

While there are many different forms of meditation, Buddhism offers one entrance into this ancient spiritual discipline. To help those who are interested in learning more about meditation I asked some of America’s most prominent Buddhist teachers what books they might recommend for meditation beginners.

Click to see the list of recommended meditation books for beginners

What books have you found helpful? Leave recommendations in the comments section below.

Image via Huffington Post

0 comments blevine32
18 Nov

The Freedom of Not Wanting Anything

“Life just takes care of life…and its doing that even now. But on the human plane, when there is intense expectation, intense planning, intense yearning, intense programming, intense conditioning, all of these energies are pulled together and something becomes very tense about it. In that moment of tension it’s like what’s going to happen? But for One who knows, there is nothing to happen. Your being is not a happening. Its not waiting for an outcome of an event. It is already complete.”

“Close your eyes, be quiet, and trust.”

“For one whose heart and whose attention is immersed in the True, they do not need to worry; for one whose mind and heart is immersed in the untrue they will worry — they cannot help worrying. Because they have made their ego their own life boat, they will worry.”

0 comments blevine32
18 Nov

“On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.”

~Eckhart Tolle

0 comments blevine32

Singapore Fire

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10/17 Art: Fire Breathing in Singapore
